Sometimes I think my life is uneventful, unpredictable. I just walked into my kitchen to find a mysterious Wal-Mart bag in the center of the floor. The floor I meticulously mopped yesterday afternoon just minutes before Leila dumped the sugar bowl all over the floor and before Tre knocked his soda off the table onto the floor where it splattered about a three mile radius. SO I was walking through the yard picking up various pieces of trash and I realized there were piles of dog poop everywhere. EVERYWHERE. At first I thought it was just one corner of the yard, but as I ventured from one end to the other, I found it everywhere. It was disgusting. I kept imagining all the frolicking children that play in the yard on Sundays after church and wondered how many of them dragged dog poop into their minivans and suvs. *snicker* I know. It's gross, but I called the poop patrol, which gladly obliged my request to pick up the poop when I offered wal-mart bags and plastic gloves. Am I crazy?...