
Showing posts from May, 2011

A little bit

This baby makes me want to get pregnant again Right away... sweet sweet sweet Let me just say, blogging is my favorite. I can't tell you how many times I have made mental notes to "blog about this" only to lose it in the flurry of activity that is my life. Now I can, as quickly as I have the thought, send word to you Regarding aforementioned items. I am blogging from my phone right now! And guess what else! If I had not promised to watch phineas and ferb with Tre on his ipod, I could photograph myself right now and post it! That will take a few minutes, so when I figure out out, I'll be back! Haha! lvb


You thought I went under, didn't you!!! Well here's what happened.  We decided that in order to cut corners we would cancel our subscription to the internet and use the library internet.  We also found cell phone service that is cheap and has a data plan.  I thought surely I would be able to blog from my phone.  Unfortunately there is a problem with posting text and I have been unable to return to this covetted place.  I am looking for a server that will let me post from my phone.  Don't give up on me, and don't be surprised when you come back and find a link to a new and improved blog!  I will return.  And hopefully it will be soon, with pictures!!! lvb