
Showing posts from May, 2012

So Excited!

My sista is scheduled to be induced tomorrow morning, and I feel like a kid on Christmas Eve! I can't help but thank God that He brought us home so that I don't have to experience this via text updates a million miles away! She is considerably calm, regardless of the chaotic circumstances with the gestational diabetes and doctor ordered induction. And she is looking soo cute! We are all thrilled to snuggle sweet Piper Jayne! Pray that all goes well and that the Lord's blessing is evident on this precious family!


My sister is days away from having her baby, so we are here in Emporia, eagerly awaiting sweet Piper's arrival! I have never been on this side of anticipation. Usually I am the one begging God to make it all end and scouring the internet for a remedy to induce myself. If you have seen us together, you know the similarities between me and my sister. This is one place we part ways. She is patiently enduring every false alarm. Her hope is to wait as long as possible. I have never experienced this inside the final month. It's amazing! On another note she steadily continues to lose weight as her pregnancy draws to a close. The doctor prescribed diet has helped that I'm sure, but in all of my eight pregnancies, I have yet to come out at the end looking any less than the size of a small vehicle. I am so excited to watch her function in her role as a mother. With these monumental differences in her attitude toward pregnancy, who knows how she will tow the line in the great parentin...

Birthday Fun

Deisha's birthday is Saturday, but with all the craziness of Michael's graduation, we gave her a Chuck E. Cheese birthday party early to curb the loss of the actual day. Dana took her to Build-a-Bear immediately following, and then to Yogurtini. It was a day of Kansas City revelry and mayhem. She loved it. I am tired, but it was a good day. Dale took the big kids for a bike ride, Leila, Deisha and Jasmine are doing yoga, and Tre is practicing his guitar. Hello, summer; I love you. I hope things are going well on your end! Lvb