The comeback

I am so excited to be getting into bed at 10 pm!! Seriously, crazy excited! I hope I can sleep! Listen to me, mamas; I AM BACK!! I have been MIA for months. Months, I tell ya! I went under and wasn't sure I was gonna be able to come back up, but after a long run a dark days, Jesus made the sun shine again! My happy disposition has returned and I am thrilled to be back I could just shout it from the rooftops! Being "under water" has given me some real perspective. When I talk about being under water, I think it goes without saying, I'm using the analogy to describe a dark place emotionally. It felt like I was drowning, really drowning. I have sort of bobbed before, but this felt more permanent. I caught myself creating a new reality for survival- being fine. You know me. I'm never fine. I'm either on top of the world or grasping at straws. There's not really a middle for this girl. And here's one really amazing thing that I grabbed onto with...