A Week in Wonderland
2016 Evangelical Theological Society Annual Meeting This year's theme: The Trinity Maybe the thought of this doesn't make your heart race, but I've been dreaming about this week for months. Months and months. Last year, Atlanta, this year, San Antonio. I made plans to spread the kids out into different households so that no one felt overwhelmed by the sheer numbers, and Dale and I left Sunday. The first night I went to bed at 8:30. I kid you not, I slept like a rock until 6am. No one woke me up all night long. I slept until my body woke me up. I don't remember the last time this happened. We drove, so I had hours of quiet time. In an effort to not waste a single minute of this week, I made a list of things I wanted to do, and guess what. I did it all. Every. Single. Thing. Dude, sleep, finishing, does it get better than this?? Some of the exciting things I got done, maybe you're curious... Shave legs. Check. Dave and Busters with Drea...