I had this idea that when I got home from the laundromat I’d turn on some music, start dinner, put the clothes away, and put away groceries. It seemed sort of romantic, except that I didn’t know what I was going to make for dinner. It was half an hour past dinner time. And my cabinets were so wrecked that I couldn’t put anything in until we cleaned some stuff out. And by we I mean me. It’s 7:30, and Mose just finished his third bowl of macaroni and said, “ boy this sure did take you a long time to make!” 😂🤣😭👌🏻 Yes. Yes it did. I still haven’t put the clothes away because my house is such a disaster area that I’m turning circles putting one thing away, distracted by another, stressed over a stupid mess in the living room... I’m not coping with my chaos well today. I haven’t showered. I ate the frosting off of half of a chocolate cake. The whole half. Completely stripped it. Like a boss. And now after I finished off the healthy oatmea...