Divide and Conquer

We have anticipated this past weekend for months, knowing it was a long shot and that it may be the only visit we get to have with our close friends; our soul ties, for another year. So when it worked out for them to spend three days with us, and all the kids, we were elated. Dale asked Marty to teach Sunday morning and there was something he said that keeps coming back to me.

He said that when there is a battle in progress, one of the greatest strategies is to
*divide the enemy* because if you can split them up *they will be conquered.*

I can't get it out of my head...

Martin Luther was grieved because his work, the labors of his life and mission, birthed severe division in the church as never it had seen. He honestly believed that if he went with a right heart to the leaders, they would repent and rebuild.

This is dear to my heart especially now because when we talk about our church, the first thing people ask is, "What kind of church is it?" I want to say, "It's Jesus' church," but that's a foreign concept to unchurched people. It's even foreign to a lot of churched people. But it's true, if we truly are the body of Christ, all of us, then our name doesn't define us, our affiliation should be seen in our actions, not the location or title. We should be able to interchange with every other fellowship in our community and we are the same. We're Jesus' church. It's a little ideological, I know. But in my heart it's so right that I can't help but hope for the unification of the true church. How can I not?

Paul said in Ephesians, "Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love, being diligent to preserve the UNITY OF THE SPIRIT in the bond of peace."

God knew that we would get on each others' nerves and that we would disagree. He knew we would hurt each other and that we would suffer difficulties in this life because of each other, but he instituted the church to function together in oneness so that when these things happen, we can cover each others hurts with love and continue in the race together.

It's work, it takes effort and consistency. As much as I have suffered the wounds of "Christians are the only people that shoot their wounded" I have also shot at wounded Christians countless times. It's a terrible cycle. But God has extended grace and forgiveness to me and I have to do the same in order to PRESERVE THE UNITY of the Spirit with my brothers and sisters in Christ.

This is what amazes me about the true church. When I am my brothers and sisters in oneness, I remember why we do what we do in this life. I am inspired to step up the measure of integrity that I live my life by. I want to be better in every way. Not that God isn't prevalent all the time, it just seems harder when there's no one beside me saying, "Press on! Fight the good fight!" And when I have it, I can do anything because my eyes are focused on Jesus. This life is temporal and eternity is real. It's where we belong, it's what we were redeemed for. And that's how we should be for each other. God knew we needed each other to go through hard things together, to sharpen one another and to push each other forward.

So run, Christian! Throw off the burdens that hold you back! It's only for a little while, we can make it together!


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