Puppy and the Troll

This poor dog, he really does have a lot of my attention temporarily. I heard some sniveling in the the kennel the other day while I was working in the kitchen and found Max locked in with a large stick and...

the resident princess. I laughed and laughed and laughed as I watched her push him back with, "No, puppy! No, puppy!" every time he tried to sneak by her. Like a loyal subject, he conceded and she would climb in almost on top of him and grab ahold of the mesh to shut the door.I stuck my head in to make sure he had enough space behind her so that he wouldn't come out wounded and she grabbed my face with both hands and pushed it out of the kennel, then shut the door, which spawned gales of laughter from me and then her too. I think she likes to be in charge of someone, since obviously, everyone here has some seniority over her. Unfortunately for the puppy, he doesn't know that he's not obligated to her antics

I don't know how long she played in there with him. Seriously, I was just glad she was into someone else's business and not dragging things out of the fridge or the cabinets or scribbling on something or following me around making demands in jibberish. If for no other reason than this, I am once again thankful for Maximus, the Wonder Pup.


  1. thanks for posting - makes me feel a little connected.

  2. wish the pictures would come through they are all red x's i love seeing pix of your life~~


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