Strep and stuff

I can't believe it's been so long since I sat down here and spilled my guts! Dale came home and it took a little while to adjust to the homecoming and work schedule, and then our sweet, sweet friends came and rang our doorbell and sat at our dining room table and slept in our beds and made us feel like we were home again. I would post all the glorious pictures of our visit if I had taken any, but somehow we spent three days together and didn't snap a single shot!!! I cherish it none the less, because they were here in real life, in our house, laughing and staying up too late with us, and it was just what we needed.

And then we all got sick, sick, sick. Tre went down first. *I'm still praying that our company didn't pack it up and carry it across the miles home with them!* When Tre spiked 103, I called the nurse help line and they sent us to Urgent Care. We waited in the waiting room for two hours and then waited in our exam room for another hour. We should have gotten the results from the lab yesterday, but somehow we haven't gotten any results. Besides that, three different staff members entered and exited our room and no one wore gloves or washed their hands at any time during the visit. I don't like to assume that they never did; maybe the habit is to do it after they leave the room. It was unsettling regardless.

Kennedy, two days later, did the same thing and I loaded up the gang and dragged them all in. We tried a different clinic and found ourselves quite impressed with the friendliness, the accommodations to the children, and the speed at which we were given care despite the full waiting room. I was thoroughly impressed and have found a safe place for our health care needs.

I still don't quite understand Urgent Care. At first I thought it was a hospital setting, but the clinic is more like a doctors office. I think it means you can always come in without an appointment, but some people make appointments. And maybe it means you get a wild-card on which doctor or PA you see. All I know is that it's quite convenient for me and I like it.

Anyway, we are sleeping a lot, watching cartoons over and over again since we don't have cable, and having a lot of toast, cereal, and Sprite between doses of antibiotics. Pray that Dale can somehow stay well. We need someone to be normal around here and I just can't foot the bill. *I never really did play that role well...*

Forgive me if you've called and I haven't been able to talk. Leila is also trying to potty train and with the fevers and intestinal upheavals and running back and forth to the potty chair, all the while trying to sneak in a nap here and there, I've lost all sense of time and reality and the telephone rings in vain. But give us a week and we'll be back at it!


  1. ohhh shoooooot. I wish I could bring you some food or something. i wish you were healthy and closer.

  2. I wish you all a speedy recovery and speedy potty training.
    Strep is bad stuff.


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