
We have a new favorite song... you have to hear it. http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=8777613 Last year it was Silent Night by Five for Fighting. It's like every time we find a good one, it opens a new chapter of our lives. Did you ever see Elizabethtown? I loved that movie and I think it's because of the soundtrack, it was perfect for the journey and reminiscent of mine. We are constantly adding to the soundtrack, marking the path with a new song every little bit of the way.

Music does something to me. Sometimes I dream about singing in an opera when my kids are grown. I'm not looking for a spotlight, I just love to sing. When I was in high school, I used to wait until the sanctuary was cleared and the lights were out and then stand in the balcony and bellow out worship in the auditorium. The walls were bare and the ceiling as high as heaven, sot he natural acoustics were amazing. It was satisfying to just let it out.

There's this youtube clip of a guy singing a show tune that knocks me off my feet every time I hear it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMNG6qVL69I It compels me to sing. I want to run out and join a community chorus just to be singing. I sing in worship in the congregation, but I am leery to let it rip in corporate worship because I don't want to draw attention, because, frankly, I can sing really loud, so I feel like I'm always holding back out of respect for those around me.

My friend recently wrote on her blog how much she misses singing and I have thought about that so much. Bono, of U2, made a statement in one of his books about how it can't be normal to crave the attention of 40,000 people in a stadium screaming your name night after night. I think it's more than that, it's the ability to fully, honestly express yourself in music. Which brings me this hollow place in my heart that longs to just belt something out right now! But then I wonder, is it vanity? Or is my role in this life to sing? Am I supposed to be the vocal chords? I mean, we all have a function, right? (which seems so shallow when there are hands, feet, eyes, vital organs working so hard in the kingdom.) (but then again, where would be without the people that spent their lives building our soundtrack and leading us into private, intimate worship?) So how, with the insanity of my life, do I not make waste of my function, or is it really about timing. Am I burying the talent like the unwise servant, or am I being wise in my investment of it, singing at home with my family in private worship? Who knows the answer to this question? Who can give me some wisdom here? These thoughts haunt me.

What's yours?


  1. for some, music is what encourages and inspires. I feel near to Christ when I am singing - or am listening to music. Not everyone has the gift of singing so people will listen - you do. Belt it out sister. Use the gift to draw them nearer to The Throne.

  2. I am thinking that your first role is wife, mom, then you mix in a little song. If singing is your passion, fill your home with it. Sing and sing some more, sing when the kids are crazy, sing when your making dinner, sing when your putting them to bed. So sing sister sing! And just watch God take that longing and turn it into a beautiful, glorious song that your children will dream of and talk about for generations to come! :)
    hmo :)

  3. Oh no, I clicked Run Away With Me - now I'll have to click Mr.Harmon's version twice.


    I love to listen to you and all good singers belt one out. Have you thought of joining a community musical or play? You are, ahem, a little busy right now, but maybe just a small part or one song would satisfy you until you are freed up a little.

  4. Hi b....

    just now catching up on your blog a bit. My PC was sick for nearly a month...

    I have an 11 year old still at home, but Sean is gone. I remember feeling that musical vacuum, needing to use my instrument and being prevented by mom stuff. Now that Sean is gone, I never think those thoughts of "I wish I had more 'me' time." Instead I wish I had more time with him. If I have any regrets as a mom, it is that I wish I had paid more attention to Sean.

    As for my baby, well who knows what I'll regret. I am pretty certain I'll have some. He's quite the challenge.

    Enjoy your voice and let God lead you. He's pretty good at bringing balance and joy, too. God bless you.


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