Hello, 2009. I'm so glad you're here!

For Christmas this year, my sister-in-law bought books for everyone in my family, which I loved. When I unwrapped mine, I had no idea what kind of a treasure and tool she had inadvertently put into my hands; I haven't read a book in months. As a matter of fact, I read two books last year, that I recall: Two Princesses of Bamarre, a book on the kids' summer reading list, and a novel that was recommended my mom of which I can't remember the name. . I read it fast to ensure that I'd get it done and now my recollection of the details is minimal.

With reality glaring all around me, I placed the gift in it's perfectly untouched dustjacket on the shelf with a thousand other books that I would love to read. I seriously doubted that I'd be able to read it. Everytime it caught my eye as I passed by, I felt a pull to read the first page. As soon as I had a quiet moment, (which lends to my dilemma in that I cannot read with noise) I snatched up the fresh off the presses book, and began to read. Within three pages, tears were filling my eyes and I had to set it aside to avoid a barrage of attention and questions that comes with public crying in my house. That night I continued where I left off and found myself totally engulfed in the journey of Kate Gosselin, mother of eight children in three years. I was not surprised to discover her true love for the Lord, but I was surprised and completely encouraged by the strength she found in clinging to the Word of God throughout her story. Her honesty is riveting, while her writing is a carefully woven tapestry of passion and intellect. Needless to say I was reading every night before bed, even heading off to my little haven earlier than I've been to bed in years. The story inspired me, the character of the author inspired me, the very words on the page inspired me. It was a great way to start the new year.

I love every new year because I'm kind of a "start again on Monday" sort of person. As in, every week, I tally my shortcomings in various areas, same ones I've struggled with all of my adult life, and use them to fuel my determination to start over next week which means my New Years Resolutions are more like "New Week Resolutions". It just seems to suit me better because frankly, some things never change. As a matter of fact, I am working hard to train myself in the "start again tomorrow" dojo. It is a biblical principal, after all. I tend to find myself less neurotic and more capable of carrying the load for today all by itself rather than toting the week or month's heaviness. The latter can become rather crushing and often left me feeling incompetent and condemned as I dropped pieces along the way. Thank You, God, for continuing to bring this principal to light in the day to day conundrum.

Multiple Blessings is the name of the book. Buy it, borrow it, check it out. It's not full of deep, insightful wonder that will draw you into the great thinking abyss. It's just one family's story of struggle and doubt and faith and survival Read it. You'll love it.


  1. I am so glad you liked it! I hope the kids enjoyed theirs too. I had visions of them opening them, and saying.. Ugh, a book! Then tossing it over their shoulder. Ha. We miss you all so much!!

  2. I am so glad you liked it. I hope the kids enjoyed theirs too. I had visions of them opening them and saying.. Ugh, a book! And tossing it over their shoulder. Ha.
    We miss you all so much!


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