
After a series of unfortunate events in my life, I find myself sort of clinging to what matters. 

My sweet Gram passed most unexpectedly which sent me into alarm.  Painful as it was, the Lord has used this circumstance to corner me and my restless heart. 

Most recently Dale and I became suddenly struck with the worst stomach flu of our existence to date.  I came very close to dehydration and nearly threw myself into pre-term labor for want of necessary instruction.  Thanks to a simple remedy, some tlc, and the blessing of a dear friend, we avoided a trip to the hospital.  After two days of complete bedrest and another day of bursts of energy followed by debilitating exhaustion, I think we're better. 

Because of these trials my heart is atune to the goodness of God and His mercy toward me.  He has never failed me nor ceased to show me his loving kindness. 

I miss writing.  I was going through the precious items I was priviledged to receive from my Gram's collection of goodies.  Of all the things that were given to me, the most treasured of them all were the handwritten recipe cards.  I feel selfish keeping them all to myself, so if you have any want of them, I'll gladly share.  It has given me great consideration of the legacy I'm leaving for my children.  I would've loved to find a journal of the daily happenings in her life, a peek into her reality.  Not taking the time to write not only robs me of a tiny corner of joy in my life, but a may be robbing a snipett of wisdom or insight for my children.

I want to write more and talk less.  It's a goal, if nothing else.



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