Writing more talking less...? Hardly. It's a lofty goal for month nine. There is so much I want to do, and there are a million distractions that keep me from being functional. I have a houseful of sick kids today. It's been a gradual progression of fallout. One went down, then another, then two more... now all six feeling yucky, moaning, drinking Sprite, eating crackers. The fevers are almost gone with the exception of the latecomers. I'm ok, I don't mind taking a sick day from school in exchange for a marathon of movies. The big kids are still considerate of overworking me and the little ones don't have the energy to ask for much. It could be so much worse. And I feel good- that helps. Only, I'm a little concerned about being this close to my due date with so much infection floating around the house. I may lock the kids in the basement for a few hours so I can air the house and disinfect everything. As far as being...