this is the song that never ends....

We started with a tummy bug, then colds that were actually fever that actually was Influenza B.  And after seven people cycled through both of those- tummy bug eight- we started over with the stomach flu again!  WOOHOO! 

This is the flu that never ends,
it just goes on and on my friends...
Somebody started getting it, not knowing who it's from,
and then we kept on getting it forever
just because this is the flu that never ends...

I want to have the baby.  I mean, I go back and forth.  I want to wait until my family is not coughing or sniffling or vomitting or chilling or running to the toilet for other unmentionable reasons.  But part of me is sure that I'm ready now and that it could- it should- happen at any given second.

I'm crabby.  I want to be done with all of this.  I want to have a normal day-to-day routine that works and sticks.  I've never had that, but I want it.  Even when we aren't sick I don't have that, really.  But I think about having it and it'd be nice.

Deisha started potty training- oh--- maybe a month ago or more.  She would go days and days without an accident, until she had to poop and then she'd hide and let it go.  Now she's wetting her pants four, five, six times a day.  I want her to be potty trained.  I made this mistake with Kennedy and said I'd never do it again, but I am.  I'm forcing it.  She CAN stay dry, she just doesn't want to.

I gotta go.  There's no rest.  There's no escape.  I'm starting to lose it a little. 



  1. Stephanie did that too, but I stuck it out and before I knew it or thought about it she was a big girl! I just stopped getting upset. From when I talked to you a few days ago, they are puking again??? Oh my goodness! You poor thing! Father God, please send a quick healing to this house! Amen.

    Love you! Cara

  2. Don't forget that "this too shall pass!" It passed with everyone else, and Deisha will not be the exception. (I'm just sure of it!) I worked all day to get lesson plans ready for the next two weeks. I'm sure that I won't have to go beyond that because we are having a precious baby very soon!
    I love you, daughter!!!!


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