Bring on the New Year!

After three weeks of dastardly laziness, we are gearing up for *back to normal* Monday. Honestly, I'm kind of dreading it. I don't mind school once we are going strong, but getting into the groove... it's not something I do well. For one thing, I'm pregnant and everything that seems to be going smoothly in my life goes haywire when those torrential hormones start corsing through my veins. For another, I know we have conferences coming up again and I just don't test well so I turn into a nervous wreck. Our teacher, who oversees our progress and turns in reports on us, is remarkably generous to me and my crew when it comes to this time of the quarter, but I'm still a nervous wreck for several days before the meeting.

On the other hand, I am holding to a resolution that I made after Christmas: to get back on the healthy track. While Dale's parents were here we ate out, ate ice cream between meals out, ate a couple of meals at the bowling alley, and ate out some more. What amazes me about a week of eating like this is how much food I can really put away when I'm not paying attention. Normally I eat a bowl of cereal for breakfast, sometimes half a bowl. When we go out to breakfast, I like to have eggs, hash browns, burnt bacon, and French toast. And sometimes I finish all of it, then I'm ready for lunch in a couple of hours, just like when I eat 120 calories of shredded wheat. How does my feeble mind justify such gluttony? It's bizarre. After that week we were already established in the habit, knowing the binge would have to end, so we made sure to pack in every indulgence we could think of for the next week. This was just the fuel I needed to get out the diabetic and whole grain cookbooks and really put together a solid menu for the month. I honestly don't think I ever felt hunger the entire month of December. Now that we're back on track, I don't ever really feel full. Eating whole foods makes your body feel so differently. I love it. That's not to say that I won't fall off the wagon in a few weeks and bring home pizza and buffalo wings for dinner, but I'm hoping that having the menus in place and grocery lists already made, my circumstances will dictate my behavior for the time being. At least until the fruit of self-control begins to bloom in my world again.

Here's to new life in the new year; let's make it a good one.


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