Rainy days are here again

I wrote this long post yesterday and Leila came in, shut the power off on the tower, and left. She likes to sit beside me when I'm writing; normally she doesn't mess with anything else so I don't keep a close eye on her. Apparently I need to do that. I can't even remember what I was writing about so I guess this is a do-over.

We tried the Brown Rice Risotto with Lamb a few nights ago, but lamb is too expensive to attempt on an experimental dish, so I got a beef chuck roast, and it has been the talk of the house ever since. I'm serious. They have not stopped joking about the castle Dale made out of the risotto or how much they hope we never have that again. And just for the record, when they smell something that is displeasing they say it smells like apple couscous.

Listen, I'm just doing the best I can here, trying to venture out into some unchartered territory. It will take me a little while to get the groove, but we're getting the groove. More than half the kids ate the fish I baked last night, which is a record, and two of them said they really liked it. We're making progress. I'm sure if we stay the course, we will make the transition from McDonald's addicts to healthy eaters.

In case your trying to eat healthy and need something sweet, Dale's mom sent me a really good weight watchers recipe the other night and we loved it.

1 can crushed pineapple
1 tub light whipped topping
1 box fat free, sugar free butterscotch pudding
2 large apples, chopped,
chopped dry roasted peanuts

Mix the pudding and whipped topping and then add the pineapple, not drained. Stir in apples and peanuts and marshmellows if you like them. Super yummy.


  1. hey - even if it tastes bad it sounds so impressive.


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