They're playin' ba-sket-ba-a-all!

Kennedy is an avid participant in anything that: a. gets her out of the house, b. gets her around other kids and c. involves a challenge. I cracked up watching her on the first night of try-outs during pass drills. She took every word that came from the coach's mouth and tried to translate it perfectly into her pass. Gritting her teeth with meticulous concentration on her form, the pass, the follow-through, we was determined to do everything well.

The first game started off with a bang, but we missed it because I thought it was supposed to be at a church gymnasium and we drove back and forth from the church to our house a few times before Dale made me look at the schedule and see that it was at the school. She was half an hour late. What's more, I thought she was supposed to be there an hour early, like they did in football, so I thought we were only half an hour late to warm ups. Nope! She missed the first half of her first game ever and was nearly in tears before we even got there. The coach is required to play every kid for at least half the game, which meant she walked in the door and was thrown straight out onto the court where she stayed for the remainder of the game.

The next game was better; we were there on time and she played well, but she's so polite that she had trouble getting it into her head that she could steal the ball from other players. We told her that that is part of the magic of the sport, if you can get the ball, you can keep it! Her aggression greatly improved by the next game.

I'm constantly amazed at this kid, she's so courageous and willing to try new things. I was such a nervous nelly that I only attempted new things if I was accompanied by my best friend and even then I was a wreck. Case in point, remember my first swim meet?
She loves it and we're so proud of her out there running up and down the court with those long legs, in the perfect stance in the key, ready for anything. She's amazing. GO YELLOW!


  1. Kennedy I am so proud of you girl! Keep up the good work. Love you guys!


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