Amy Grant and the Prophet

Remember when she really loved God and wrote songs that we loved?

...I'm raining on the inside, oh my heart wells up with tears and starts to pour... I'm raining on the inside...

I used to listen to this album over and over and over on my cassette Walkman. Now I change the station when she comes on; I just can't stand her new stuff or her new life. But I still love this song, and with all of this rain and the dark clouds that threaten my happiness, it has been rolling through my mind for a couple of days now.

Not by accidental timing, I am attempting another Bible study and have found a way to stick it out for the duration of the nine weeks. We are studying Habakkuk and it's got me thinking, which has been rare lately. I can't get away from God's sovereignty in these verses and the confusion that it brings to this bold prophet in his desperation to be heard. I didn't know anything about the book when I received the materials except that it was one of the minor prophets. You can imagine my surprise to find so much insight to God's character. I don't know why I am surprised that God's Word reveals new facets of who He is, but for some reason I still am.

Only three weeks into the study, we've only just begun to delve in, but I wanted to share what I've gleaned thus far. Picture Israel, back on the rebellion train to destruction under a wicked king. Enter Habakkuk, a small voice for the godly, but a voice nonetheless. Boldly Habakkuk appears comes on the scene with the seemingly legitimate question, "How long?" Why are You blind to the wickedness of His people; why have You not responded; we know that You are holy and cannot abide with sin, so HOW LONG WILL YOU? To which God immediately responds, "I'm on it." *my paraphrase* He says He'll do something that is gonna blow Habakkuk's hair back, it's so amazing that he wouldn't believe it if He revealed the plan right now. (not exactly those words, but you get it.)

Our Righteous and Just and Loving Father proceeds in telling his servant that He is raising up the Chaldeans, a wicked and violent people, to a position of power in which they will come in as a terrifying foe against which the defenses of Israel will fail; the tool in His hand with which He will establish His judgment on the sins of His people. Yikes.

Now, this is awe-inspiring to me the way dog fighting and natural disasters are awe-inspiring. I don't want to believe they are real, but I can't shut my eyes to them . Imagine with me, if you will, God says to you, the only one listening, that He is raising the Iranians to power as a tool of His judgment against the United States. It's a striking thought; it strikes you with fear because that is so close to home. EVEN THOUGH He prefaces it with His will, the fact that He's initiating it so He will bring an end to it when the time is right, it's still scary. You can imagine with a little more clarity, Habakkuk's confusion.

In real time, while circumstances seem to be out of control and even terrifying, He sees and knows and pulls all the strings. Even if He seems to be absent, if we trust Him and believe His Word, He's always there and in control. His Word is clear that He never leaves. Lately I feel like I'm being tossed here and there and totally out of control, introspectively speaking. This insight to His goodness and sovereignty give me room to breathe, and reason to nap.

...and Your cry of love breaks through and I fall in love with You once more...


  1. Wow - dissing AG - I don't know about you. I understand your sentiments.


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