
This morning while.I eas running errands, I really thought about buying a new battery while I was close to Wal-Mart, but I decided to wait it out. Little did I know, next stop I'd be stranded in the parking lot of the Dry Cleaners. It doesn't help that I had some dental work this morning and half of my tonbue is numb. Every time I have to explain this situation, I am bumbling and lisping (think Daffy Duck) through the explanation.

Ugh... Car troubles ain't no good!!



  1. That happened to me last week at Wal Mart! A man parked in front of me came over to me when I was trying to open the hood. He was drinking a can of soda which he poured on the battery and then brought out his tool set and tightened up a wire. I was so grateful he was there!


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