
Showing posts from January, 2012


I am sitting at the kitchen table with my feet propped up on Scarlette's booster chair, feeding her chicken noodle soup. Deisha and Leila are drinking hot chocolate out of tiny tea cups. Deisha is laughing hysterically at herself while Scarlette looks on. Leila is scrolling through the Ipod in search of a song to play. The big kids are all down at the park. It's the end of January at 7pm. 50°. So bizarre. The Oilers came over to play for a couple of hours, so naturally none of them want to waste a single minute eating dinner. I can't blame them. Dale is working late because it's Monday. I cleaned house all day... for someone else. Now I'm too tired to clean mine. Leila picked Friday Night by Lady Antebellum, hence the wild spontaneous dance party. Love it. What you doin'? Lvb

Charlotte Lee

I was shocked to hear that my sweet friend, Charlotte, had passed last week. I was a thrill to be able to  attend her funeral, though. Charlotte was a person that knew and loved and kept in touch with everyone. She was an amazing woman. I learned so much from her as a child, a teenager, and an adult. Even in her death she is teaching me lessons in life. It's incredible! I left her funeral with thoughts of how to live with no regrets. I want to reconnect with people that I've lost touch with. I want to be better about maintaining long distance relationships. I want to be more diligent in kingdom work, even if it seems menial to me. But most of all I want to share the love of Jesus as far and wide as my influence in this world reaches. I love Him so much, and His ways are so perfect! This life is only a moment before eternity.  Lord, make this moment count! Lvb

Scarlette's One!

Can't believe it...


I love my life. I am in love with my husband. I adore my kids... I have a great house, messy as it is! I love my church... imperfect, but tight-knit. I wake up happy. I feel deeply joyful. I am contiually struck with gratitide. God has given me a ride in the good life. I have tasted, and seen, and lived this "abundant life" that Jesus  promised to His followers. I don't know why He has chosen to bless me, but I continue to thank Him for the showers of blessing. I just wanted to tell someone, and thank God for making my dreams come true.

Saturday Morning

Dale left about half an hour ago. I got up early to iron his clothes with every intention of goingback to sleep. I managed to get back into bed, but sleep has not come back to take me yet... So here's my dilemma, do I stay in my warm, cushy bed and explore pinterest for as long as possible, or should I get up into the cold and pay bills and start the laundry? It seems like a no brainer, I know... Alas, the answer comes down the stairs wearing high heels. Deisha. Must have had a bad dream because she is whispering an has tucked her head into the blanket so that she can just barely see out. I love this life...Livin' the dream, baby!