
I am sitting at the kitchen table with my feet propped up on Scarlette's booster chair, feeding her chicken noodle soup.

Deisha and Leila are drinking hot chocolate out of tiny tea cups. Deisha is laughing hysterically at herself while Scarlette looks on. Leila is scrolling through the Ipod in search of a song to play.

The big kids are all down at the park. It's the end of January at 7pm. 50°. So bizarre. The Oilers came over to play for a couple of hours, so naturally none of them want to waste a single minute eating dinner. I can't blame them.

Dale is working late because it's Monday. I cleaned house all day... for someone else. Now I'm too tired to clean mine.

Leila picked Friday Night by Lady Antebellum, hence the wild spontaneous dance party.

Love it. What you doin'?



  1. I babysat 2 kiddos all day and night and they just left today at 4pm. Now I am doing laundry and putting the house back together. I am also getting ready to make the kids dinner. Oh and I have a cough that WON'T go away. I am about due for a bubble bath....


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