What's goin on
Maybe you heard, I'm pre-ga-nen-te!!! And this while working a real job for too long on top of raising seven and schooling five children leaves only a wink for anything extra. I seriously miss writing. I miss telling you my funny stories and amazing epiphanies. I miss knowing that we are connected here. And that, my sweet friend, is what brings me back. So this morning God answered my prayers definitively. I have been agonizing over my job since before the positive pregnancy test. My children, these blessed gifs of life, have needed me here at home with them. I struggled to let the extra income go but felt the end coming. After I announced the new baby coming, the hunt began for my replacement. I thought I would continue to work one day a week after she was hired, but I found out this morning that I will not have that option. It's funny... I should be thankful, and I am. But I feel strangely about leaving. I want to be as productive at home as I have been at work.I want to work...