AAAAAND We're Back!

I heard someone talking about doing what brings you joy. If you have a creative edge, find your medium and do that thing, because is what God designed for you to do. When we do that thing, we bring Him glory. How amazing is that... that thing we do that makes us so happy brings Him glory. I love it. His nature is so good.

As soon as I heard it, I knew what I had been missing in my life... it's here. It's you. It's writing. I love to write. I find great joy in writing. I have put it off for months, knowing that I haven't read anything, outside of a feeble attempt at reading my Bible, for over a year. And without reading, how can I possibly offer anything intelligible to you, my sweet friends? And then I remembered, this is my thing. I was doing it before I loved to read, or cared to leave any sort of legacy in my writing. I'm a writer. It's what I love. It's what I dream about doing. So here we are. Back.

I'm kind of a mess. I wake up long after everyone else has gotten out of bed. Usually I have two or three bouncing around on my bed before I open my eyes. I sit up to feed the baby, and they are already bringing me math problems.

After feeding the baby, solving a few problems, changing two little boys' diapers, and giving out orders to brush teeth and pick up rooms, I roll out of bed for the first time. My day takes off without me.

Today was no exception. I did my morning thing, eventually put a bra on, and made myself a cup of coffee. I love a cup of coffee. I don't need it because I have slept as long as is physically possible with a nighttime nurser and 5 littles. But I want it because I love it and it's a luxury.

We sat down to do school after finishing our bowls of sugary cereal and decided to meet Dale for lunch with money that we barely have. It's what we do.

Livin' the dream by the seat of our pants!



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