Indy 2016

We are having the greatest time in Indiana visiting my brother and his kids. I love coming here. He's the most generous host. 
It always inspires me when I visit. This place is immaculate. They have raised the kids to really be aware of their surroundings, to pick up after themselves, to have a place for everything and everything in its place. It's inspiring. I want to be better about teaching this to my kids.
My brother and his wife are no longer married. My heart aches for the brokenness in this family. I miss her so much.
It really has brought to light wa lot of coulda woulda shouldas. But God in His Sovereignty sees and knows. Only He can bring healing to brokenness of this magnitude. 
I'm praying that He will do just that. Heal broken places in this family, whatever that means and however He chooses. I love them all so much. 
I know how powerful forgiveness is. It brings God glory in powerful ways in the eyes of so many. It's a testament ofHis  goodness. He is so good.
Forgive someone today.
It will change the course of your life.



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