This Road

It's overwhelming, this road...

I've been rolling along at break-neck speeds. House, school, kids, laundry, all good. Money, marriage, emotions, good. Started writing again, you guys- I'm so excited about this writing project, I can hardly contain myself. I want everyone to read the first few chapters I've already written!! It completely energizes me.

Then this morning, a text, a comment, a message on FB, all is not well on the home front. My teenager is in the fringes. You know, like not on the straight and narrow. I thought we were good! I thought said teenager was rolling along, making it happen, getting it right, and then someone points and turns the lights on. It's not all sunny in sunny KC.

Sent me reeling, for so many reasons. I'm accepting things like:

Parents don't produce behavior, they cultivate an environment with boundaries and consequences for an expected behavior.

There is a separation that has to happen between children and parents, as they grow.

Who I am is in tied up in who my children are and what they become. My hope and whole identity is in Christ.

These are difficult pills to swallow when my heart is in my throat through prayers for a prodigal.

Back to my good and wise friend, Jenny's words, "Always show love, if at all possible." I could fight and balk and berate the issues, or I can rest in the hope of the God's ability for redemption on all fronts.

So even when it's overwhelming, I can find peace.



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