Give me Jesus

I had a dream the other night that there was a wedding ceremony, all the preparations of a ceremony, meals, people, and I was the bride of Christ. I was to meet my Lord face to face for eternity.

I woke up in a pool of tears. He was so close I could feel him as smell him and I was almost there, to the end of this race, in the arms of Jesus. At some point in the dream I realized that  it wasn’t real, I was only dreaming. That’s when the sadness set in. I still had to walk down the isle knowing I’d have to wake into the real world without him physically with me.

My heart has ached for days since. He was right there, my beautiful Lord, just moments from my grasp.

This morning I stumbled upon Stefan’s Gretzinger’s rendition of “Give Me Jesus”. Oh my heart...

Give me Jesus, give me Jesus
You can have all of this world
But give me Jesus

Oh my soul...

For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. Give me Jesus.



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