

It didn’t matter what I did to try to stop this day from coming. It was determined to arrive and rob me of another little bird from under my wings. My sweet Deisha turned 13 today. It was bittersweet. She’s had intellect beyond her years since she was little, but she was also sad to say goodbye to her tween years. 

She is a bright light with boundless energy and imagination. Daily she sits with her notebook, scribbling out storylines in a world she has created with rich characters that have become like family to her.

Sometimes people tell me we did a good job and that’s why our kids are amazing. As much as I would love to take the credit, I can only thank God that He chose us to raise them. Children are born people. They are becoming the people they will be. In His mercy, God grants us the privilege of holding onto them for a little while. I’m really grateful today that I get to be Deisha’s mom on her 13th birthday. 

“Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭127:3‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬


  1. Happy birthday sweet Deisha! I love hearing you sing in youth worship!!


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