
Every time I open the trash can my dog’s eyes light up. I usually give him some of our leftovers, but then I have to guard the trash can. Once he’s had a taste of the good stuff, he’s insatiable. He doesn’t know it would be bad for him to eat it all. He doesn’t understand how it could effect his digestive system, or his heart, or what a choking hazard is. He just knows the other half of what he got went into the trash can. If we aren’t watching, he will do everything in his power to open the lid and devour it’s contents. Even a newspaper is appetizing to him with a little drizzle of gravy on it.

He can’t be trusted to keep himself safe, so we must be in guard. We want him to live a long, rich life with us, but every time he gets into the trash, he puts that dream at risk.

Sin has a filthy connotation, but it’s allure is silky and powerful. It’s noxious. It will scramble your senses with pleasure and turn you into a dog with its face in the trash and a total disregard for the consequences. 

We are powerless unless we are filled with the Spirit of God.  Only Jesus can disarm the magnetism of sin. Your best defense, your only defense, is to get close to Him and stay in constant communion with Him. When we allow other things to take priority over our time with Him and our focus on Him, they open the door for the enemy of our souls to gently lead us away from our first love into entrapment.

If you are trapped in sin, Jesus can set you free. You were meant for more. Say these words to God, “Father God, I am trapped and I believe you can set me free. Forgive my sins and give me a heart that loves you more than anything else. In the name of Jesus, amen.” Now message me, and I’ll partner with you on your journey to new life. ❤️

“Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.”

‭‭John‬ ‭14:6‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬


  1. Oh I love to see your words sweet friend. I can see Jasper just wanting more of what he doesn't know could hurt him. I love the comparison.


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