And then there are the days
when the dichotomy is all around and none on the inside. At about three o'clock in the morning the last night I worked, I had to fight down this overwhelming rage that has been simmering for a couple of months now. It was terrible. Everything that I want to be and sometimes claim to be, and really try to be on good days, was exactly the opposite of what I was, what I am most of the time. I'm becoming less consciencious of being a vocal testimony for Christ and more obviously a hypocrite in the walk. Used to be the other way around. Isn't there ever a middle road? Who is this awful human being that possesses me when I am opposed to the path I am directed to walk? I'll show up, but I won't like it. And if I have to keep showing up for too long, no one around me is going to like it either. It's such a juvenile methodology, but it's the way I roll. God make me like You somehow, Lest I perish!!