I have never craved the quiet, small town life; my parents met in the ghettos of New York. However, there are perks to life in the slow lane. And here is one. Kennedy has been begging for roller skates for weeks, so while we were vacationing at the Great Wolf Lodge, we stopped at Target and she spent her allowance that she's been saving for six months, on a new pair of roller blades, which she has not removed except to shower, since she got them. I want to call her Tootie! It's so funny that she skids to a stop when I call her to the kitchen.

So Jas went into Target with what was left of her savings and she didn't have enough money to buy herself some- the only ones in her size were several dollars more and I thought it was an important lesson in saving for her not to get the big prize when she piddled her money away on little stuff.

Naturally I felt guilty regardless of the lesson, so this weekend, we headed to the Salvation Army on a whim that they would have some skates. Not only did they have three different options in her size, there was a huge tote overflowing with skates for the rest of us.

And not only that, they were marked $3.99-$.99. So the kids take their wallets bulging with coins to the counter and the lady says, "Two dollars," to which Jasmine says, "TWO DOLLARS???" Ladies and gentlemen, they were half off. THE SKATES WERE HALF OFF! It was like a treasure hunt with huge jackpot find at the end. We bought a pair for every kid and two for me for $5.00. Dale worked at the Salvation Army for about six months and said they hadn't changed the Thrift Store prices for years. SO, HAPPY DAY TO ME! Gotta love life in the slow lane.
Thanks Seestah!!! I MISS YOU SO MUCH!!!!! K,M,J,T,L, D, and B: I have been looking for the perfect presents for You all!! I haven't found them yet!! But I am looking!!! Hopefully next week I will get to mail some gifts?!?!