Everyday is a winding road... I get a little bit closer

Most days I have something to write about, but I'm sort of flustery in my head, blast that sleep deprivation. We have had such a torrent of emotion in the past weeks. What can I do but let the tears fall down? I have fought them at times when my body needed them and now I give way if it is even remotely appropriate, and sometimes when it's not. Tears are cleansing.

I read something really beautiful last night that I have to share. The amazing A.W.Tozer writes in "The Pursuit of God" a quote from author Nicholas of Cusa in "The Vision of God".

Life eternal, says Nicholas, is "nought other than that blessed regard wherewith Thou never ceasest to behold me, yea, even the secret places of my soul. With Thee, to behold is to give life, 'tis unceasingly to impart sweetest love of Thee, 'tis to inflame me to love of Thee by love's imparting, and to feed me by inflaming, and by feeding to kindle my yearning, and by kindling to make me drink of the dew of gladness, and by drinking to infuse in me a fountain of life, and by infusing to make it increase and endure."

I know, it's almost too much all at once. Read it again. Take it apart piece by piece and make it personal. Read it again; it's so rich. Squeeze the juice out of these precious words. I love it. It arrested my soul, it ran down like a balm... that life eternal is the place where God never ceases to behold me... I love Him so much, and to be able to express the reciprocation of God's love in my life is beyond what I am capable of writing, so to find this trinket thrilled my soul.

All that thrills my soul is Jesus, He is more than life to me; And the fairest of ten thousand, in my precious Lord I see...


  1. Hi Seestah!!!

    I miss you all so much!!! Love yu!!!!


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