Sweet dreams and orange marmalade

Ironically, this time of year thousands of caterpillars are climbing up on branches and somehow encapsulating themselves in tiny cocoons where they will stay so that when the time is right they can wiggle through a tiny hole in the bundle and squeeze themselves out into a life of flight and freedom with new wings.

Such is our life... We've been preparing and working and pursuing a life that was not meant for us to live right now, only all the work we did is convertible. It's all beneficial to the door that God has opened wide before us. All the studying, weight loss, financial fixing, it all works for this new concept for our lives.

I perceive it like the little caterpillar; when he comes to life, his mission is to eat, eat, eat, to prepare for the time he will be imprisoned in that cocoon. Only for him it is not suffering, it's necessity for the task he was created to complete.

So here we are, full from the preparations we've been slaving over. In the coming months, we will have grown our wings and be learning to fly. But for the time being, I looking into the daunting task of cocooning; waiting, packing, moving, then reclamation my family to daily life, new life. It's a cocoon and I'm claustrophobic.

God has opened the door for us to take a secular job in Omaha in order to begin a community building project, the task of drawing scattered sheep back into the fold in order to live, work, play and run the race together. It seems almost too good to be true the way things have worked out. We will be moving the last weekend in October, potentially.

Thank you for praying and continuing to pray for my family. I cannot tell you the reassurance that I have every time someone prays for me or tells me they will be praying for us. It's my life line in times like this.

(Times when the marmalade keeps running out the turkey)


  1. Arms open wide to welcome you home.

  2. Omaha??? Like in Omaha nebraska?? hang on dale and becca this is joy? you are moving near us?? Oh my oh my ohmy ohmy ohm y mlanta oh so o excited oh soppppp excited ohhhh so excited i am sooooo excited ic an't even write right now sorry love you guys sooooo excited love joy

  3. oh dear sakes! Joy took over the computer while I was trying to type! Give us details! Can't wait to see all of you!


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