zzzing, zzziNG, ZZZINNNGGG!!!

Seems like as soon as you have it all figured out, all the balls fall out of your hands and you have to start all over again, picking up one at a time, toss-catch, toss-catch, now the next, toss-toss-catch-toss-catch, toss... and another- toss, now faster so the next one can get in, oops, woah! Here they come, and now I'm screaming at the Trebo for spilling water on the table at lunch. Wait, start again with just one. Put a load of laundry in. Now two, get the dishes cleaned up. Three, bathe the children and load up for the grocery store. Did Kennedy comb her hair? Jas has a bumpy pony tail. That'll work. Don't forget the salad toppins... alright. All going at the same time. House is clean. Dinner is in the oven. The groceries are put away. There are four conversations happening at the same time, all aimed at me and the phone is ringing. I have two hours until I have to be at work... Alright. A week from Thursday I'll call and set the date to switch the utilities. Put in my two weeks. Shut off the cell phones. Pack the toys. Set out towels and pack the bathroom. One week following pack the kitchen and the living room... Bedrooms last. Hoping Dale will be able to come home at least once in there sometime before we load the truck. Starting to feel the overwhelmingness in my body first- the rolling and churning in my guts. No, I'm not... it's ok. I'm excited. It's happy. Why am I crying? No no, it's good. Did I even turn my attention to my only Strength one time today? Yes. Whispered a prayer in the shower. Oh yeah. Settle. Settle. Settle! BLAST these wretched tears! I'm tired. Must be strong. Must stay focused. Do the next thing. WHICH ONE??? THERE ARE TOO MANY! TOO MANY!

Ever played Diner Dash? I did yesterday for 90 minutes. The only 90 minutes I had to nap before I went to work all night while the kids were sleeping and quiet. I was playing a game, trying to master something, one thing that was in my control. Ironically, I was out of control. 5 more minutes, no 15. Ok. 15. Now 30. Woops, an hour. It's my vice. Sucks me in and burns up precious time. Weird, I know. Gotta have one. At least it doesn't give me cancer or heart disease, right?

I needed to write something to settle me so that I can sleep now for a few hours before Dale leaves for work. You are my friend. Pray for me. I'm a little overwhelmed today.


  1. you'll have prayers going up from me all day...take a deep breath.
    you need to know it'll all get done and you'll look back at how hard it was but it was all taken care of anyway.

    Love you.

  2. Wow! I will not complain again! I only have one kid and 22 at work and I don't feel like that.

  3. so...ar you moving then? I'm confused.

  4. ahh, she's writing again! You'll get it all done, we mom's always do ..somehow we stretch and pull and puch ourselves until the job is done. That's the real reason God created us, we're bendy! yep, I'm there with you, saying...just one more box, you can do it!!!


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