On writing
Starting to feel a little more normal... a lot more normal, adding elements back one at a time, now if I could just get away from that wretched devil food that haunts me and lures me into the lair of gluttony... But in the grand scheme of things, I am feeling the balance starting to come back to middle ground. So many great things in my life, I feel hopeful. I feel more than hopeful, I am excited about life. I am excited about the potential of the things that are happening in my life and I wake up ready to start the day before I have to. I am writing again and that, my friends, is exciting. Something about writing frees me. I can't explain it; I know I've said it before, but writing, like running, gives me the exhileration of flying. Now, I've never flown but I have been on a contraption that simulates flying to a certain degree. (The rip cord, it's a thrill ride at World's of Fun that is like bungee cord jumping, only you don't jump, they strap you in and then...