Sunshine and fallen leaves

Life moves pretty fast sometimes. I keep wondering when I'll wake up and think, "Self, how did I get here?" Letting the days go by... I want to run. It's the lacking element in my day. I want to put on my running shoes and hit the road fast. It's just that the weight of this new burden overwhelms my body and when I sit down my eyes start to close, so I'm hesitant to expend energy on something that, at this point, is trivial. I want to save it all up. The reality is that if I were running, I'd be tapping the surplus tank and I'd have more at the end of the day. Isn't that weird? You sit all day and you're tired. You work out and you add hours to your day... Who knew?

Speaking of weird, is it November 8th and 74 degrees outside? We played in the leaves yesterday and it was just amazing. The kids had a ball! It's one of my treasured fall favorites that I thought we'd miss by having the cold creep in before we got to it. Unfortunately all our raking was in vain as each child laid claim to his own pile and some refused to bag theirs. While the neighbors all around are working like busy beavers to blow and rake to keep their yards in tact, we are in a constant blizzard of leaves. And frankly, it's not a big deal to me. Someday my life will afford me the pleasure of a neat and tidy yard full of love and attention. Not right now.

So here's to you, overzealous leaf blower guy... thumbs up from this side of the fence. And to you sandysendbigpresent- no thinking on this one.


  1. So true. I use to take naps everyday but don't anymore for that very reason! So good to talk to you. Can't wait to see you guys.


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