And then there is life

We have officially been here a week and it feels like it's been a year. One of the great things about true friends is that they don't stop when the miles separate you or the busyness separates you. We were sitting in the living room yesterday with someone I thought I'd never see again. It's been four years since the last time, and all the sudden it felt like it had only been days. God has mended this gap of time that drew us away from here, only to patch us back in.

I know we're different, we've grow up... but we're still who we are and that's what I love about life in Christ. He gives You an identity that you're proud to wear. Because under it all, I know that I'm nothing. I have nothing to offer except the ugliness that I was born into this life with. But in Christ there is no end to the well of resources because I draw from Him. It's satisfying and I love it. He is my hope, and my joy, and the reason I sing, and apart from Him there is no life.

So let me live, Sweet Jesus, in the shadow of Your wings. And when You soar, pick me up and take me to the heights. And when you dip into the valley of the shadow of death, hold me close and banish fear. For You are the life that I live.


  1. Glad to hear you made the move and your head is still connected to your body! Hee hee! Lots o love and Prayers! Cindy Grace

  2. Hi there!

    Long time, no see. I take my youngest to ECS for recess. Some days I get to visit with your mom. She's been telling me how you are and gave me your blog. I'm so happy that you are in Nebraska. Isn't it interesting how God works. He can take us down one road and we anticipate one outcome. Then, we find He prepared a whole other place for us to go entirely. It can be a little disconcerting, but I'm so proud of you for finding His perfect will in your life. Congrats on your move. I'm praying for God to move mightily in your lives and ministry. May you have mighty rushing waters in your ministry and still, quiet waters at home.

    God bless... Sue


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