
It's God's kindness that leads to repentance.

The virtuous woman was known for teaching kindness.

Let your kindness be evident to all.

And the fruit of the spirit is... kindness.

How can my life be so saturated by these words that are ever present in my life, and yet my heart be full of dark words of wrath that spill out every time I get bumped? Anger, sarcasm, frustration, fits of rage, condescension... forgive me God. I am weak and foolish.

Make me a vessel of Your kindness. Not politeness and courtesy that I am so accustomed to extending to virtual strangers in my world, but the true kindness of the Spirit that leads people to repentance.


  1. Kindness - you are correct - common courtesy is not authentic kindness. I need to work on that as well. Some days not many fruits of the Spirit flow from me. Stay the coarse sister!!

  2. I often find myself struggling in this area with my own children....why is it hard to be kind to our own children, yet so easy to strangers.
    I have to work on this.
    Thanks for the reminder.


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