School Updates

Today is the last day of the quarter for our school calendar and we are scrambling to tie up loose ends before tomorrow, my face-to-face parent-teacher meeting. This is where we turn in a work sample from each subject and she tests the kids on their progress. I've been a nervous wreck for two weeks trying to come up with all the necessary samples and testing myself in case we don't come out ahead. I have felt really confident about this program and my abilities to complete for quite a while now. After we got the hang of the schedule and the groove of the curriculum, I felt like we were smooth sailing. Now that it's time to test the progress, we'll see if we meet the mark. I guess the worst thing that could happen is that I'll have to redo some lessons and I won't get a gold star for perfection.

This leads me to my next point. Every day that goes by, at some point in the day I wonder if this is what they do. You know, do they keep a tidy house all the time? Do they have a good, substantial dinner every night? Do they have trouble stretching from paycheck to paycheck? Do they ever loose it and scream at their kids? Am I keeping up with the rest of the moms in the world that are achieving perfection every day? And then I ask myself this ever present question... WHY DO I CARE WHAT THEY DO???

I grew up in a stable, normal household, by my own standards. Not normal like Americans, normal like the Cleavers. There were problems, sometimes my parents fought, sometimes we didn't like each other, and sometimes I was a real drag to live with. *this may be an understatement*. But we had a tidy house, even with seven of us in that huge place. My mom made breakfast, lunch, and dinner everyday; so much so that I thought I was eating out when I got to eat a hot lunch at school. I know they were tight with money, but they were responsible with it, and I don't ever remember seeing my mom cry about it. The bar is set pretty high for me. I'm living now, knowing that it's possible to live that life. And I do strive for it. But normalcy is relative and when you're a kid, or an outsider, you just don't see everything.
What I have, is rich and good, even if I'm not meeting the bar.

I really came to say today that just because I don't test well and I get really nervous under scrutiny, we've come a long way from the first weeks of school. At this point, I have no doubt we'll finish the school year and be just fine. The only reason though, is that my friends have prayed for me. My family has prayed me. So I wanted to say thank you again for your support of our mission. God has heard and answered.


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