Back in the Swing

I didn't know how long I'd be out of commission, I still don't. People keep saying, "I thought you'd be an old pro by now." Which makes sense because six times I've brought a new baby home. Once I brought a baby home to three other toddlers, and then moved out of state that same month. But for some reason, I'm all out of sorts and feel like it's all new, uncharted territory.

A lot of things have are different this time. Being across the country from all of our relatives is probably the biggest thing; I can't tell you how weird it was not to have my sister in the waiting room of the hospital, and knowing she wouldn't be here for weeks following. Another thing is that Dale has two full days in a row off from work every week, and when he gets home from work he's not running to another job or studying for any tests. Also I'm not working, that's awesome. And probably the biggest thing is that I don't have a life outside these walls, which works both sides. My stress levels are remarkably low with school being completed for the year and knowing that for the rest of the summer, I can pretty much stay home all the time if I want to. There's nothing driving me to get out the door or hurry up and get to bed. That, my friend, is freedom.

I mean, I'm sure the kids would enjoy being in clubs and sports and having things to do, but I didn't when I was a kid. We had church stuff, and usually played softball or something, but most of my summer consisted of watching TV, swimming in the horse tank in our backyard, and living outside. I loved it. I relished the freedom. For the rest of my life, I'll never have that kind of free time. What's wrong with that? My kids deserve a few summers of leisure before they start working and throwing themselves headlong into sports and various activities of their choosing. Their so little now, I think it's awesome that they still fuss when we have to go to the grocery store because they want to be out in the neighborhood and at the park and hunting lizards. They are the life of the party and they don't even know it! They don't see the neighbor kids fussing when we have to go to the store, either, but I know. I remember those days.

Our lives are moving nice and slowly right now, and I'm rather enjoying it.


  1. keep the pace, do the next thing, you can do it.

  2. Glad to see you are back to blogging. We just got back from Georgia, visiting Marc, Aly and the new baby boy. I have a blog,, where I just posted pictures. Take a look.

  3. i am calling you aren't answering..i will keep calling until you answer!!!


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