The Plan

Alright, the reality is that I'm not depressed, I am severely overwhelmed. Today I received four of the twenty-some boxes that I'm waiting for so we can proceed with a successful school year.
I have cardboard boxes and plastic bubbles full of air that I need to find a place for so that I'll have the supplies in the event that we don't finish the school year here in California. (I know, it's a long shot, but I'm an optimist. And my mom is a woman of faith.) I don't have a place for it. My shed is full of other stuff that I'm saving for who knows what reason. I can barely keep up with my regular housework on top of shuffling our storage space to accomodate these things, and trying to meet the needs of all these little lives around me. I haven't cooked in a couple of weeks. (Hey guess what! Chicken nuggets tomorrow too!) I get overwhelmed with the guilt of not being a competent teacher, not praying for each one of them everyday, not meeting my husband on a grown-up level, and the baby's crying again. I can't do it all, but I want to believe that somehow I can. I don't rest well when the housework isn't done, but if I don't go to bed without finishing, I won't ever sleep. There's always more to do.

I'd really love to give the impression that I am capable of raising all these kids in a cracker jack box, home school them, have another baby, cook all our meals, get to soccer practice on time, still wear the same size jeans I wore in high school, and not skip a beat. But I can't. I feel like I'm drowning sometimes. So you know what I do? I eat. I drink soda instead of water. I spend money we don't have. I don't know why these things make me feel better, but somehow they get me past the fact that I have neglected cleaning the kids' bathroom long enough to grow mold under the sink. Gag. And clearly, I cannot keep up with my avid blogging passion, because it's been like twenty days since my last blog.

But I will tell you this, I do love my life, even when I don't want to get out of bed in the morning and try to sneak back to it in the afternoon. I did get some incredible pictures of San Francisco and some of this side of the country. Plus, I have pictures from Tre's birthday still waiting to be loaded, and some of Princess Leila in her new wardrobe. So, I'll be back eventually.

All that to say this: here's the plan. I'm going to get out of bed tomorrow and try to be nice. I'm going to go as fast as I can without losing my patience with my kids or my husband. I'm going to pick up what I can and fold all the clothes that are in the dryer right now. I'm going to try to do something generous for someone that I know because people are constantly doing this for me. I might not cook. But I will kiss everyone in the house as often as I can, so that they know I love them even if I fall in a heap at the end of the day. That's the plan.


  1. Girl, I can relate and I only have 3 kids! That sounded like my summer however. Their meals consisted of chicken nuggets, pizza or a grilled cheese! Now with school in full swing I get a break for 7 hours during the day when I only have 1 child to care for. But hang in there! God has truly bless you guys with all these kids because he knows what you and Dale can and are giving them! :D

    Whenever I loose my patience my kids forgive me. I have even found myself thinking at times when my patience has been low "Hey I'm not a bad mom. It could be worse for them, they could have been born into an abusive home!" Haha am I right?

  2. how could you possibly lose your patience with me?
    (you're doing fine, and I love you, so do "the others")

  3. I love it - a plan you will stick with for all eternity. Love your kids, do your best from morning until night and enjoy it the best you know how. No books needed for this one! I know the Lord smiles on your newest efforts!! I love you - have a most fabulous day.

  4. Becca
    I have had a really bad week and i read your blog and i started to cry. If i could tell the kids how lucky they are to have you and dale for parents. When i think about Monique, Bert and others my heart breaks. I wish i could bring them all to live with me. Pray for me that i will do better and be humble and i will pray that my son and my grandkids always have you. STOP TRYING TO BE SUPER WOMAN


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