Leila's Birthday

It was a few weeks ago, but these pictures were so cute, I had to share them. She pranced around the house like a princess all day. Now if you ask her, "Are you the big sister?" she says, "No, I da pwincess."

This is the little Cinderella cake the we bought at Albertson's to commemorate the occasion. She fell in love with this cake and Dale and I were trying to avoid a real cake, so I decided this was a good fit for the little princess. We all got a little sliver of the dress. It was so good (I love grocery store bakery frosting) that I was tempted with the giant cheeseburger cake that I saw there last night. Here I'm skimping on groceries, saving $.40 here and $.67 there, and I had to talk myself out of a five dollar indulgence. What can I say. I heart cake.
Leila loves the part when we all sing happy birthday to her. It's the best part of the whole day. She adores it. You can see it on her face.
Here she is with the tiara and earrings. So cute.
And this little necessity was added to her wardrobe just a few days later. She only takes it off to bathe and go to Wal-Mart- if I make her. Her little friend saw her prancing up and down the street and ran right in to get her dress on. They were bestest, bestest friends for the first hour they were twins, then Leila, after she brought her in the house to play, must've gotten tired of the pressure to perform as a princess because I heard her yelling, "Go home!" Sometimes she's really naughty.

Happy birthday, little one. Live it up; you only get to be three once.


  1. Happy Birthday, darling Pwincess! We love you very much and can't wait to see again!! You are a vewy beautiful pwincess!!


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