simple obedience


I knew the IF Gathering was coming up, but I didn’t put much thought into going because I had several irons in the fire. I’ve been practicing prioritizing people in my schedule, and my people needed me, so I waited to buy a ticket.

When all my plans changed at the last minute, the door magically opened in front of me, and I still didn’t buy a ticket because I’m afraid of commitment. Then one of my girls at church stopped me in the isle and asked if I was going. That was the push I needed for a weekend that would radically change who I am as a believer. 

Simple obedience. God prompted her to do something. It might have been awkward. It might have felt intrusive. It could have gone badly, but she did it anyway. She asked, so I went.

Friday night, as I watched an interview with a pastor in an Islamic-run country, I sat in awe at the cost he was willing to pay, every single day, to follow Jesus and bring others to Him. I am absolutely willing to die for Jesus, but the things he talked about, I have never even considered offering as a LIVING sacrifice to Him. I wanted to be more like that.

He described His life as one of simple obedience. His story left me chasing this idea that the things I am doing for God aren’t what he was talking about, because they aren’t as hard as what he’s doing. That is a lie. God has apportioned work to each of us, it’s different for everyone. Our only job is to do what is OURS to do. Nothing more, nothing less.

Do the thing He is asking you to do. Take the cookies to the hurting friend. Send the text that you are praying for someone when God brings them to your mind. Buy the ticket. Offer to help the struggling mom in the grocery store, even if she might think you are a weirdo. Make the meal you hate. Ask if everything is ok. Send the money. 

Obedience isn’t a lofty performance, it’s a pattern of following the Holy Spirit’s leading and doing the next thing. You are an integral part of God’s kingdom. It doesn’t work without you. So whatever it is, lean into the awkwardness. Embrace it. Make it a dear friend and do what He wants you to do.

“If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.”

‭‭John‬ ‭14:15‬ ‭NASB2020‬‬


  1. The simple obedience part shouldn’t be so stunning - but it is. The Spirit kept speaking over me the word “willing” and it lines up with what you’re saying. Although I bought my ticket a bit earlier, I had an “escape” plan until the last minute. And now, of course, I see all I would have missed, the faces I wouldn’t have seen (yours!), the acts of simple obedience by others, all of the pieces of God He had lined up to show me. I’m so thankful He is patient and still gently (and sometimes not so gently) pushes me into simple obedience. Simple obedience is stunning, I guess, because we can only do even that through the holy power of God. Thank you so much for sharing your heart so God could continue this conversation in mine.

  2. All of this! I love it. So true. We try to think that our mission field isn't right in front of us but it is. Daily I need this reminder.


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