

I’m good at a few things. Words. Music. Food. I’m not good at a lot more things. Planning dinner. Organizing stuff. Keeping up with the laundry. Remembering. And the list goes on... When my energy is focused on any one things, most other things tend to fall by the wayside. 

This laundry has been sitting here for days. I have been yanking what is needed and dumping more on top every time I wash another load. It’s been on my list every day, and it keeps not getting done. I haven’t missed writing every night, but I can’t seem to get the laundry folded. I’d just like to publicly apologize to my family for neglecting things when I get fixated on something else.

I don’t think they care as long as they have what they need. They  don’t seem to mind just kicking these baskets out of the way. I care. I feel the task looming over me like a scary giant, threatening to swallow me up if I let one more clean load land on top. 

There is mercy for me and my piles, even though the piles are endless. Piles of book, piles of laundry, piles of papers, piles of great ideas, piles of weird stuff I have plans for but never carry out. My people extend the mercy of God to me by tolerating my piles. They certainly don’t care as much as I do about them, but I would like to also thank them publicly for not judging me and my piles. They love me, and love being home, because our hearts are full and God is here. And sometimes there’s good food. 

“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5:7‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬



  1. I am sure your people are not deterred by the piles. It is more overwhelming to us. You are correct, they love the home you have provided, they love the Lord, and the food is pretty amazing :)


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