worlds of fun

 For my 30th birthday, my family arranged a retro Worlds of Fun meet-up, like we used to do when I was a kid. I mean aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents; the works. Being 20 years past those early days, not as many people were able to come, but I was still thrilled that it was happening.

Now, I say there weren’t a lot of people, but I had a lot of kids at that point, and we needed man-on-man defense in order to get them all home with us at the end of the day. We all took turns riding roller coasters with the bigger kids, and doing kiddie rides and playing games with the little ones. At one point, Dale and I were each with a big kid, and my mom was planted with two littles and the baby. Jasmine was probably 4 at the time. I don’t know if she saw someone pass by and thought it was me, or what, but she took off running headlong into mobs of people. My mom did her best to go after her, collecting the other two and calling her name, but Jasmine could not hear her or see her. Not knowing what to do, she just kept running. Fortunately someone in the crowd noticed what was happening, saw my mom’s frantic expression, and scooped Jasmine up to return her to safety. Thanks be to God! We managed to get everyone safely home. 

I had a flashback of that memory this morning when I was listening to these lyrics:

“You will hear me start screaming. You will know me by my voice. I won’t ever stop yelling...”

I could envision my mom screaming for Jasmine, “Stop! Come back! It’s safe here with me! Don’t run!” But Jasmine thought she knew best and ran straight into danger. Miraculously God sent a helper to bring her back to the safety of my mom’s protection. We are like that sometimes.

“When you hear nothing, and you feel less... sit still and know that I know what is best.”

To Haunt To Startle by Penny and Sparrow

“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand.” John‬ ‭10:27-28‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬


  1. It is so hard to be still and wait. Sometimes I feel I just have to do something and take off not knowing if it's the right thing. I feel I'm making progress only to find I have lost my way.

    At that point I must surrender myself and let go and let God do his thing.

    Thanks you Lord for your grace and mercy!

    Love you my sweet friend.


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