

I saw this gentleman inspecting the fresh flowers at Aldi today, and I got a little mushy over it. He was picking up each bunch and holding it as if to contemplate if it was the perfect bouquet for someone really special. When he settled on the roses, I knew it was. 

I stood in line sifting through why I felt so moved by his deliberate choosing. It seemed important even though the flowers were only $3.99. It seemed as though he was carefully considering the perfect arrangement because it mattered. It seemed like an engagement of the heart. I thought about how many times I’ve just grabbed something for someone without really considering the receiver first. I hate to say it, but sometimes I choose things that are easy so I won’t come empty-handed, knowing very well that a carefully chosen gift can be a key to the heart.

Dale does this for me. Even though my love language is words, he lavishes his love on me in the form of gifts. For Christmas I asked for a pair of nice socks for running. Instead of one pair, he bought me six. He researched and studied and compared all the very best socks on the market, and then bought me the top choices. I never dreamed I’d feel his love so profoundly when I’m putting on my socks in the morning, but that’s exactly what happens every time. 

Maybe it’s hard for you to be thoughtful, like it is for me, because there are so many other things demanding your attention. But when you consider the impact of a selfless act, it’s value increases tremendously. Give something away, friend. Tip bigger. Hug tighter. Listen more closely. Make the meal they love. Do the chore they forgot. Laugh at the joke like it’s the first time you’ve heard it. Open your heart to generosity. See if the ripple doesn’t come right back onto you. 

“Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭9:7‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬


  1. So true, there is always a blessing for the receiver as well as the giver. Such great ideas. Thank you.


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