

I got my haircut last week, and I got my contacts refilled. It’s a pretty drastic change. It’s almost like I went on one of those makeover shows. My neighbor told me I look like a different person. 

So here’s how it happened. Kennedy went to a swanky salon downtown and talked me into making an appointment with her new hair tech. Or whatever you call a person that does your hair. They had connected and she was so impressed with her “hair science knowledge” that she wanted me to meet her, so I booked an appointment. 

While I was there, I explained that I do not prioritize my hair over most things, which is why the last few haircuts I had received were from a cheap pair of sheers and a Pinterest tutorial.  Conversely, I wanted to know what products would help me to have healthier hair at minimal cost. She made me a list of things and sent me on my way. She said I could get shampoo from Target if I bought certain brands, but for other things I needed to go to Ulta. 

Ulta. Ugh. 

I have been to Ulta, against my wishes, with my daughters, who are much more schooled in these things. They actually love going there, even my 10 year old loves it. To me, that places is incredibly overwhelming. Besides that, it seems like every time I go in there, I spend an exorbitant amount of money on a few items in a tiny pink bag. At the same time, I want to start using products that will benefit my hair and skin. It’s a conundrum. All or nothing. You know that’s how I operate.

I walked in the door with a short list, hoping to make a simple selection and head out. And then I realized that, unlike Target, there were rows and rows of acceptable brands. I would need to narrow down my options by comparison. 

As I browsed the isles, this caught my attention. Something wasn’t right. I was familiar with the brand because years ago, when I was having trouble recovering my hair after having babies, a friend recommended it to promote hair growth. Look at the sign, and then look at the product label. It should read NIOXIN. It’s upside down and backwards. It looks deceptively close, but it’s not quite right. At first I thought surely it was wrongly placed by mistake, but then I thought maybe it was some clever rascal that didn’t think anyone would notice. Upside down and backwards. Genius.

While this is a harmless error, that’s not always the case in our lives. Tiny missteps  can send us miles off track, and this is where need a lot of grace, for ourselves and for each other. 

Fix your eyes on the One true God. Be alert and watch for pitfalls. Practice forgiveness for one another. Bear each other’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ. Be diligent in doing good works. Stay the course, darlings, and we will all get home safely.

“...but I want you to be wise in what is good and innocent in what is evil.”

‭‭Romans‬ ‭16:19‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬




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