
For as long as I can remember I have struggled with depression and tendencies to isolate myself from people. In college I went through a lot of seasons of ups and downs, being so far from home. One day during a dark season, a friend of mine called. I had been playing the recluse, and she asked me to come down the hall to her dorm room. I didn’t wanna go, but it was only four doors down and I wasn’t good at saying no, so I went.

When I got to her room, I noticed that her even with a smile on her face, her eyes were red and her mascara was running at the corners of her eyes. She said, “Becca, I was in here praying, and God brought you to my mind. During my quiet time with God, He was thinking of you! He knew you needed Him and He wanted me to come and find you.”

I sobbed in her dorm that day. That the God of the universe would alert someone else of my need, in order for Him to reach me, took my breath away. When the clouds were so thick that I could not hear Him, He sent word to a helper to come and find me. 

This is what we are called to do for each other. If you are in my sphere of attention, in any capacity, when God brings you to my mind, I pray for you. I don’t have a lot to give, but in the spirit realm I am fighting for you. Sometimes I wake in the night with a person‘s face in my mind, and I pray because it’s all I can do. And it’s the greatest thing I could possibly do! He brings us to each because He loves us like that.

Reach for Him, friends, and reach for each other! We can think of 1000 reasons to stay away from each other, but God has called us to walk in unity. To bear each other’s burdens. To love one another and be known by our love for one another. So please, don’t miss an opportunity to reach out to someone else, physically, or by text or in your prayers. Reach out; it’s what we are called to do.

“Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor... rejoicing in hope, persevering in tribulation, devoted to prayer,”

‭‭Romans‬ ‭12:10, 12‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬,12.nasb1995


  1. Again my friend the Lord is moving through your words. I am thankful that when I come to your mind you pray for me. I have been trying to be better about this. I too can get in dark places and the enemy works to tell me I'm not good enough to be friends with. I have really tried to listen to the Lord and when someone comes to my mind that is Him telling me they need me and to reach out. Lauren Daigle's song, "Rescue", always comes to mind.

  2. I love this, and I love that you follow those little promptings of the Holy Spirit. He is so good to build us up as a community of believers in this way.


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