What had happened was...

...we took this job for a lot of reasons.

A: Dale went to school and racked up a serious amount of debt in order to become a chaplain for the Bureau of Prisons, so when they offered us a position, it would have been silly to turn it down. I mean if God inspired the vision and then came through with the open door... I think we would've gone to Puerto Rico if that was where the opening was.

B: We have all these kids that are like little birds with their mouths open to be fed all the time. Like, every hour then need nourishment, seriously! They're like little moths devouring groceries almost as soon as I come through the door with them. We needed to know that every month there would be enough money in the bank to feed the children.

C: We have all these kids that have this Daddy shaped hole in their hearts and when he can't spend time with them everyday, they get all out of whack. They need their dad to be present as much as possible. A couple of hours a week just wasn't cutting it.

D: I am hopelessly and desperately in love with the guy that pays the bills in my house, and when I don't have some good quality time with him every day, I tend to get a little discombobulated. I need him. I want him with me. Sometimes I don't want him to, but I need him to tell me that I'm being mean and crabby because when he tells me, with all that sweet, quiet tone, I really want to do better.

This job offered all of these things and even though it was 1754 miles from home, taking the job seemed to be the right thing to do.

It was. I still believe we did the right thing, but I know I speak for all of us in saying that enough if enough. Having family here all week was amazing until they left us behind to go home. I am homesick every single day. It troubles me to have to hush my little ones every morning because we live in a tiny duplex and "we might wake someone!!!" when they're so happy to be awake and alive. I love our neighborhood and the friends our kids have made, but I just... it breaks my heart that they have cousins they don't know because we haven't been home in two years. I find myself perusing facebook pages of people I know from the Midwest just to get a taste of home again. I feel like an stranger in a distant land after all this time. I'm a homebody and I don't feel at home; I haven't felt at home for much longer than we've been here. At this point, the point where looking at pictures of a bunch of strangers in a little hole in the wall establishment drinking beer in cowboy hats makes me cry, well you can imagine...

This is my plea to all of you; please, please, PLEASE plead our case before God. I know you will, my dearest friends, because you are the only ones left reading this, and you believe in the power of God to turn the tide when it would seem impossible. Here is what I want you to pray- keeping in mind that when He answers, He will be glorified:
1. Pray that all barriers that might inhibit our transfer would be removed right away.
2. Pray that the right place will have an opening for us and that we will find favor with those involved in the selection process.
3. Pray that our moving expenses will be completely paid for.
4. Pray that our ranch will be vacant and available to us in perfect time for our arrival.

If you don't pray from a list and won't remember, insert our request into your mealtime prayers, "Jesus, please bring the Suttons home." I used to pray for my friend's son when he was tiny and extremely picky about eating, picky enough to affect his health, and I remembered to pray for him every day for months.

Thank you for loving us enough to pray us home. You will share in the blessings when God pours out His favor and answers the cry of our hearts!!!


  1. Jesus - bring the Suttons home!!

  2. You have been in our prayers and on our list, but thank you so much for making it easier to pray for you in a more specific way. I hope all is well with health and school and your family. Remember that we love you and want the best for you all.
    The Mumm's


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