Spring Break 2009

For St. Patrick's Day, I insisted that we go to Solvang, even though Dale had been looking forward to having dinner at the famous Klondike pizza buffet in San Louis Obisipo for weeks, because I thought a little tourists trap would have lots of fun activities and maybe even a parade to commemorate the great Saint Patrick who brought Christianity to Ireland so many years ago... Apparently the Dutch don't celebrate St. Patrick's Day. Not in Solvang, anyway. But this nice old man insisted on taking this family picture for us. Good enough!
The braids Kennedy is wearing were actually Dana's, but she took wore the headband over the back of her head so she wouldn't mess up her hair; I didn't get a picture of that before she took them off because Deisha kept trying to eat the braids.
Deisha has a darling little pink and green outfit on, but it was still chilly in when we arrived, so you don't get to see it this time, but she also wore that tiny little barrette in her hair, just to be safe from overzealous pinchers. Note to mothers of baby girls- you can purchase those tiny clips at Target for a couple of dollars. They're so worth it!
Leila couldn't bear to part with this outfit, once chosen (you can't see the pink cowboy boots), even with the knowledge of St. Patrick's Day. So I drew a little shamrock tattoo on her right arm. It's still there three days later. It may be there this time next year, as a matter of fact, because I drew it with permanent marker. Oh bla de, oh bla da, life goes on, Oh, la la la la, life goes on.
Dana mentioned wanting to take some video footage home, but we don't have any DVDs here and the way things are going, I may forget to get them completely. (I can't believe this is already the last day with them!) I don't know how time can drag on so slowly sometimes, then zip by when you want to savor it the most! Anyway, my apologies for the fuzziness of the picture, but here's a little teaser, just in case this is all we manage to compile for you viewers in Richmond. I wish you could all have come!!! And not just the Richmondites, but all of you, my friends and family. I miss you more than you can possibly realize.


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