It's a strange feeling

I can't tell you everything that went through my mind. First things first, I started to devour the Chili's leftovers that were sitting safely in my lap only moments before the news came. Next I thought of our dogs. The highway was closed to our house so we'd have to take the long way home and what if we didn't get there in time to get them out? Then it occurred to me that I've never finished the renter's insurance policy that I set out the get. We don't have a lot of stuff, but it would complicate things if all of our clothes and shoes burned up in the fire.
Mostly all I could think of was how we could get home. It's on my mind everyday. It never goes away. I try not to indulge myself by bemoaning the fact that we are so far away, but it is a constant. I want to be there. I'd rather deal with a tornado than a fire any day, not because the severity is any different, but because it means our locale is more familiar. Please pray for us. We need to get there. My sister is going to be getting married soon and will have babies in her not so distant future! My children are growing up before my eyes. I don't want them to establish roots here and then decide they'd rather live their lives here when we're there. And more than any of these things, I want to see my mom's sweet face more often than special occasions.
I'm thankful that for now, we are safe from fires. I'm hoping that we'll ditch this modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah before the whole thing goes up in smoke.
FYI! I did not take this picture!
When we prayed for you and the fires, my students said,"Are they packing up to come here?" Even they know how badly we need your sweet faces here!